Pro-Demnity Annual General Meeting
Virtual MeetingAnnual Meeting of the sole shareholder of Pro-Demnity Insurance Company.
Annual Meeting of the sole shareholder of Pro-Demnity Insurance Company.
Meeting of the Board of Directors of Pro-Demnity Insurance Company. This event is by invitation only.
Although the purchase and maintenance of professional liability insurance is a mandatory requirement for an Ontario architectural practice, few starting a practice will have had meaningful exposure to the purpose […]
We wish you, your families, and your employees all the very best for holiday season. Our office will close on the afternoon of December 24, 2021 and re-open at 8:30 […]
We wish you, your families, and your employees all the very best for holiday season. Our office is closed December 27th through to January 3rd, and will re-open at 8:30 […]
Pro-Demnity has played a central role in Ontario architects’ claims for 35 years, helping architects when they’ve experienced allegations of error or negligence. The situations were so interesting in fact, […]
Annual Meeting of the sole shareholder of Pro-Demnity Insurance Company.
On April 21, 2022 at 10 am President and CEO Bruce Palmer joins a panel of leaders from across the insurance and philanthropic sectors, for a session that aims to […]
Online via Zoom / $15 to register Design innovation is full of both rewards and risks, and balancing between them is a constant juggling act every practice must undertake. Join the Toronto Society of Architects (TSA) for this one hour lecture as Bruce Palmer, President and CEO, shares with a contemporary perspective on risk—an approach […]
Pick up the latest risk management advice and better manage the risks associated with practice. Join us on Thursday May 12 starting at 9 am for a CE-credited panel discussion on Risk Preparedness When Inspiring Climate Action what architects may need to know to mitigate professional liability risks in the future. Then, join us at […]
Design innovation is full of both rewards and risks, and balancing between them is a constant juggling act every practice must undertake. Bruce Palmer, President and CEO will be meeting with the Northern Ontario Society of Architects to share a contemporary perspective on risk—an approach that takes into account both probability and impact. Participants will […]
Bruce Palmer, President and CEO of Pro-Demnity joins OAA President Susan Spiegel as a special guest at the OAA Fall Society Meeting with the Ottawa Regional Society of Architects and the Trent Society of Architects.
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