Portrait of a man wearing business attire.

J. William

Director, OAA Council Appointee

Bill Birdsell received his Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Waterloo in 1984.  He went on to found J. William Birdsell, Architect in Toronto in 1987.  The practice has continued in Guelph since 1990.

He has designed a full range of small community based schools, churches, corporate, municipal, provincial, university and federal offices and a fleet ambulance centre.  His interior design work has been distinguished by his time, as The Co-operators General Insurance, Corporate Architect, where his insights on how great places to work can impact the creation of a workplace as a competitive tool.  Currently he has focused his work on the adaptive re-use of structures and through those efforts has created landmark buildings in Brampton and Guelph.

Throughout his career, Bill has served the profession as a mentor.  He has participated on several Ontario Association of Architects and Canadian Architectural Licensing Authorities committees, many associated industry profession’s awards juries and OAA Council.  Bill has been, Chair of the Grand Valley Society of Architects, Chair of the City of Guelph Committee of Adjustment, Chair of the Pro-Demnity Insurance Company Board of Directors, and President of the OAA during terms in 2013 and 2014.

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