Client Management as a Risk Management Strategy

Seven client-focused things architects can do to reduce liability claims.
Thought Leadership Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Risk Management / Mitigation

Failure to Communicate

Episode 2 of Architects’ Claims Stories shares how a simple exchange of information, promptly delivered, duly recorded and correctly remembered, might have saved everyone a lot of grief.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Delays Documentation / Contracts

No Written Record

This pilot episode of Architects’ Claims Stories deals with the consequences of an architect failing to keep written records.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Delays Documentation / Contracts

Who’s In Charge?

Three architects, a construction manager and one engineer, all reviewing one mason’s work, cause confusion on a job site. An expert is hired but his advice is ignored.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Documentation / Contracts Engineering / Subcontracting Issues

Field Level

An architect’s duty to the Owner as “Inspector of work” is tested; limits of expertise are exceeded, and liability for incorrect work is incurred.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Documentation / Contracts

A Home is Not a House

An architect fails to record client instructions, confusing residential ambiance with institutional requirements, and shoddy workmanship goes unobserved by the engineer.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Documentation / Contracts

False Start

Work on a small office building, starts before a permit has been issued. A gross error is discovered in the drawings, so the building is redesigned, but the desired design is not possible. The modified design is built, but it contains further flaws, so the owner sues the architect.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Delays Documentation / Contracts

Tennis Anyone?

Many claims arise from matters that “common sense” or “careful practice” rather than technical or practice knowledge could have avoided. This is one of them.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Documentation / Contracts

Frozen Assets

It’s easy to fall into the trap of taking responsibility where your knowledge and ability to control events is limited. This is one of those stories.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Delays Documentation / Contracts

Approved But Unproven

Many claims arise from matters that “common sense” or “careful practice” rather than technical or practice knowledge could have avoided. This is one of them.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Documentation / Contracts