Poor Choices

It’s an infrequent mistake, but it happens: Consultants and projects are chosen unwisely, and the architect must assume responsibility for the consequences. In these two stories, those errors are about to doom the projects . . . until a second—extremely rare—phenomenon occurs: Fate steps in and saves the day. The odds of winning Lotto Max are about 33 million to one. The odds of your project being saved by blind luck are in about the same range.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Clients Lawsuits

Client Demands

Many architects will tell you that some of their greatest professional rewards come from their relationships with their clients, working as a team toward a common goal. But occasionally, these relationships break down, and what starts out as professional affection deteriorates into outright animosity. It’s a fine idea to make friends of clients, and even clients of friends, but remember: business and friendship can sometimes make poor allies.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Clients Lawsuits

The Client Edition

The Straight Line Newsletter — Issue #19 Client management requires consistency, discipline, a focus on shared goals, and managing the path to the successful and claims-free realization of your design. […]
Newsletter Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Clients Risk Management / Mitigation

Dispute resolution wordings

The Straight Line Newsletter — Issue #15 In This Issue Dispute resolution wordings – Arbitration can be a good and useful tool, when used appropriately. Unfortunately, some client-authored contracts include […]
Newsletter Clients Documentation / Contracts