Poor Choices

It’s an infrequent mistake, but it happens: Consultants and projects are chosen unwisely, and the architect must assume responsibility for the consequences. In these two stories, those errors are about to doom the projects . . . until a second—extremely rare—phenomenon occurs: Fate steps in and saves the day. The odds of winning Lotto Max are about 33 million to one. The odds of your project being saved by blind luck are in about the same range.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Clients Lawsuits

Client Demands

Many architects will tell you that some of their greatest professional rewards come from their relationships with their clients, working as a team toward a common goal. But occasionally, these relationships break down, and what starts out as professional affection deteriorates into outright animosity. It’s a fine idea to make friends of clients, and even clients of friends, but remember: business and friendship can sometimes make poor allies.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Clients Lawsuits

Inaccurate Certificates

Under the various pressures of contract administration, architects can sometimes exercise too little care when issuing certificates. Inaccurate, false or misleading certificates are potential sources of claims.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management

Season 1 of Architects’ Claims Stories

Season one is packaged up to include 4 full episodes and one bonus episode from Season 2. Each episode includes lessons learned and offers tips to help architects be more risk-aware in your practice.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management

Relying on Consultants

Architects sometimes take on projects that require the skill and experience that only a specialist consultant can provide. And, it’s easy to fall into the trap of taking responsibility in areas where your knowledge, and your ability to control events, are limited.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management

Exploring New Products

Episode 4 of Architects’ Claims Stories examines how architectural creativity often involves exploring new products, or in some cases, finding new uses for existing products. But be aware that the associated risks of experimenting with new products can be burdensome, and as the architects in these two stories discovered, the penalties can be severe.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Design Substitutions / Material Failure

The Client Edition

The Straight Line Newsletter — Issue #19 Client management requires consistency, discipline, a focus on shared goals, and managing the path to the successful and claims-free realization of your design. […]
Newsletter Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Clients Risk Management / Mitigation

How to manage your clients and minimize claims

Once you’ve decided to take on a client, it’s important to be risk-proactive.
Thought Leadership Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Risk Management / Mitigation

My client was my friend, until they sued me

Fourteen guidelines for architects on how to deal with personal– professional relationships.
Thought Leadership Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Risk Management / Mitigation

Inattention to Detail

Episode 3 of Architects’ Claims Stories highlights two different situations where the clients’ desire for a grand architectural gesture results in a debacle for the architects involved. Physical and emotional injuries arise from Inattention to detail.
Case Studies Podcast Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Delays Documentation / Contracts