Tennis Anyone?

Many claims arise from matters that “common sense” or “careful practice” rather than technical or practice knowledge could have avoided. This is one of them.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Documentation / Contracts
Case Study Cover 1

Frozen Assets

It’s easy to fall into the trap of taking responsibility where your knowledge and ability to control events is limited. This is one of those stories.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Delays Documentation / Contracts

Approved But Unproven

Many claims arise from matters that “common sense” or “careful practice” rather than technical or practice knowledge could have avoided. This is one of them.
Case Studies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Documentation / Contracts

The Apology Act

The Straight Line Newsletter — Issue #17 IN THIS ISSUE Sorry. Not Sorry. The Apology Act is intended to make it possible for professionals, including architects, to apologize for errors, […]
Newsletter Apology Act / Apologies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management COVID-19 / COVID

Sorry. Not Sorry.

The Apology Act is intended to make it possible for professionals, including architects, to apologize for errors, without necessarily Incurring liability. The word “necessarily” is important here, since there are critical exceptions. Danielle Muise discusses the Act as it applies to Ontario architects.
Thought Leadership Apology Act / Apologies Client or Sub-contractor Relationship Management Risk Management / Mitigation

Eight Insurance Risk Trends to Watch

Bruce Palmer, President and CEO shares eight important trends that will affect insurance risks and claims.
Thought Leadership Videos Risk Management / Mitigation Risks

Top 10 risk-related reads of 2021

The following Top 10 Reads of 2021 reflect the interests and needs of Ontario’s Architects to improve their knowledge and understanding of risks associated with architectural practice.
News & Announcements Risk Management / Mitigation

An Architect’s Architect

Remembering Christopher T. Fillingham, B.ARCH, OAA, FRAIC, AIA (HON), RAIA (HON) and first Chair of the Board of Pro-Demnity Insurance Company.
News & Announcements